Posts in Alabstraction

Driftwood beach fires

If you’ve ever lived in a coastal town, you’ve no doubt taken part in a tribal ritual passed down from our forebearers from time immemorial: the driftwood bonfire.  Every few years an especially large store will come along, and the next morning the shoreline is festooned with driftwood, sprawled in piles like the remains of some arboreal crime scene.

Toward dusk, the inhabitants of the area will, of one accord, wind out of their modern caves, and gather on the sand.  Driftwood is gathered and arranged into pyres.  A match is lit.  We sit, much like our primate ancestors, and drive back the darkness with the magic Prometheus gave us, while reflections of the flames dance brightly in our eyes.

For a moment, there are no iPhones.  Twitter doesn’t exist.  All of the problems faced by our species can be solved with a flint knife and perhaps a few marshmallows for toasting.  Then, as the fire collapses into embers, we brush off the sand, travel back to our caves, and for a moment, however brief, we wonder if we might have been better if our ten-thousand-times-great grandparents had never left the beach.

A Natural Workspace

Where you work has just as much impact on your life as where you live. For many of us, they are one and the same. For a man to achieve his highest level of performance, he must create a space that represents the world that he is working to create for himself and his family. This space can be physical- the walls, doors, ceilings, and floors that confine us- or this space can be mental and spiritual. The difference is that one space confines you, and the other sets you free.

  • Allan Lacoste

Winds Of A Leader

A leader doesn’t defy the wind, or blame the wind for pushing him off course. A leader doesn’t blame those around him for the way the wind blows. But most of all, a leader doesn’t allow the wind to decide his direction. Instead, they understand the wind, embrace it, and know how to use it to arrive at their chosen destination.

A boat can sail against the wind by slightly tilting its sails in a direction ahead of the vector of the sail. Birds fly against the wind not by beating their wings more furiously, but by cutting across the eddies and currents of the sky. A leader, like a boat or a bird, must understand that the wind is never against them, although they may occasionally need to tack against it when the journey so demands.

  • Allan Lacoste

Pondering Pando

There is a sleeping giant in the middle of Utah- a place where the world’s largest organism has lived for millennia. Pando was ancient when Christianity was new. It lay dreaming in loam-filled beds near the shores of Lake Bonneville while humanity was covering itself in animal skins and inventing names for the stars. When North America was covered in ice, Pando waited, drawing its roots in around it like a cloak, and waited for the years and decades to pass until the sun returned.

Our lives are as brief as that of a mayfly when compared to Pando, the great Old One of the American southwest. He was here before the first bipedal primate trudged across the primordial land-bridge and settled the land. God willing, he always remain.

– Allan Lacoste

Death Valley

Rocks move in Death Valley, like snakes twisting across the desert floor.   You might expect them to be literally head for the hills, but in truth, they appear to head further into the inferno of sand, digging in like ticks on a dog.  Seeking community and heat, in the glowing heart of sand that lies spread out like a carpet at the feet of the Sierra Nevadas.